Push trapped warm air to the floor with Air Pears! Contact Airius today to find out how!

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The Air Pear

The Original Airius Fan

Since its release in 2004, the Air Pear, the first Airius Fan has been the go-to solution to combat thermal stratification and provide cooling air circulation in buildings around the world..

The Air Pear

The Original Airius Fan

Since its release in 2004, the Air Pear, the first Airius Fan has been the go-to solution to combat thermal stratification and provide cooling air circulation in buildings around the world..

The Air Pear

The Original Airius Fan

Since its release in 2004, the Air Pear, the first Airius Fan has been the go-to solution to combat thermal stratification and provide cooling air circulation in buildings around the world..


Contact Airius to see how Air Pears can heat your building occupants and save you 10-30% on your energy bills!

We all know that heat rises. But what happens when that heat hits the ceiling? Air Pear systems push that warm air back down to the floor where the occupants are and provide thermal equalisation.

Airius Air Pear system will reduce energy use in any facility by significant amounts (10-35%) and measurably improve user thermal comfort. Airius ‘Air Pears’ will circulate warm air by destratification in buildings with ceiling heights from 2.5 -31 metres.

As the space becomes larger then the fans become larger as well. Our model 100 uses around 330 watts and can cool zones up to 18 metres high and destratify spaces of up to 31 metres in height and around 350 sq metres in area per unit.

Air Pear units can also be used to move air from one area to another in any direction. Evacuate hot air out of kitchens; out of the backs of trucks, from one conditioned space to a non conditioned space etc. Perfect for heritage buildings or reducing the need for ductwork in your project.

  • Arguably one of the simplest and easiest methodologies to save energy in buildings.
  • Improved internal environment has been proven to improve workplace productivity and increase sales in supermarkets etc. as customers stay longer and spend more.
  • Between 20% – 35% reduction of heating costs – where process heat is involved savings may well exceed 50%.
  • Between 20% – 35% reduction of carbon emissions.
  • Up to 35% reduction in overall facility energy costs.
  • Affordable ‘plug and go’ system.
  • No large exposed rotating blades causing light strobing or lighting redesign issues
  • Rapid ROI – average 12-24 months.


  • Excellent summer cooling value

  • No large blades rotating in the room catching dust

  • No large rotating blades distracting students

  • No moving parts visible from the user

  • No strobing of lighting

  • No turbulence

  • Less ceiling room occupied by fans

  • Simpler to install

  • Much less power use than ceiling fans

  • More effective at destratification in winter utilising any heat in the room to keep the occupants warm

  • Much improved air circulation in lecture spaces etc.

  • No large blades as targets for students to throw things at

No structural installation requirements

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What They’re Saying

the stories

"We were pretty surprised by how good they have been...the biggest success is in shooting down the picking aisles."

Alex - Digital Fulfillment Manager


After installing the Airius Air Pears into the different zones using a range of model sizes, from Model 25’s up to Model 60’s for the larger spaces, the result has been impressive. Peter said the Air Pears “certainly have made a big difference and improved comfort during the various functions we have at the centre”. He indicated that one of the great benefits of the Air Pears is that “since installation there have been no complaints about the overheating and there is much appreciation of having the areas cooler”.

Contract Manager


“Thank you for all your work this term in improving DG1. The addition of fans have greatly improved the working environment for staff and students, and it is something that I and the TAS team appreciate. ”

Paul Berecry



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P: 1300 985 552

E: [email protected]

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