Climbing Gyms
Climbing Gym cooling and heating can be notoriously expensive and difficult to to maintain in comfort. Climbers moving to the top of the structure are hot from exerting themselves as well as moving into warmer, stratified air while their partners stand still at the cooler floor below. With the addition of an Airius destratification fan system, you will balance air temperatures from ceiling to floor and wall to wall, leading to increased comfort for patrons and employees alike, while the owner enjoys lower HVAC energy costs.
Increase comfort for athletes and staff
Save energy – up to 30% off heating bills
Improve your HVAC efficiency
Prevent nausea due to rapid temperature changes

Reach new heights.
Like all other high-bay spaces, climbing gyms suffer from stratification, but the experience is far more salient when your customer’s goal is to reach the ceiling. The experience of rapidly ascending a wall with a ten or fifteen degree temperature differential is unpleasant and can cause nausea, particularly on the descent. Utilise Airius Climbing Gym Cooling fans to maximise comfort while reducing your HVAC energy costs. Airius fans work alongside your HVAC system to provide general air movement to reduce the cooling load during the summer and recirculate warm air to the floor during the winter.
Worried about odors, viruses, bacteria or VOCs? Then check out the factory installed PHI cell for your fan system.

Benefits to Rock Climbing Gyms
- Up to 35% reduction of heating costs
- Up to 30% reduction of cooling costs
- Increased comfort for athletes and spectators
- Maximises the efficiency of all types of HVAC systems
- Simple installation
- Utilises process heat, lighting and solar gain
- Reduced run time on existing HVAC equipment
- Reduced internal condensation and wet floors
- Reduced ceiling temperatures increasing lighting lifespan
- PHI units help mitigate odours, moulds,viruses, bacteria and VOCs
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