Albert Street Uniting Church
APPLICATION: Church Cooling
Brisbane City, QLD.
Brisbane, Queensland, can reach 38°c in summer, making it unbearable in establishments that don’t have A/C or efficient airflow. Albert Street Uniting Church, located in the heart of Brisbane, is a heritage listed church that faced regular discomfort from the summer heat and minimal airflow movement, thus adding to the comfort issues. Without wanting to disrupt or damage the stunning heritage listed establishment, Airius worked with the team at Zen Electrical Technologies and the customer to provide a cooling solution that was effective, unobtrusive, quiet and would improve thermal comfort.
30 x Pearl Series controlled with 2 x SC-01 and 2 x SC-05 controllers.
The Pearl Series fans are a beautifully designed small fan that smoothly moves air around space with ease. Its compact design, while small, is capable of moving air efficiently, pushing the air around the room and significantly improving occupant comfort, while functioning at an incredibly quiet level.
Working with the team at Zen Electrical Technologies, we were able to provide the Albert Street Uniting Church and its end users efficient airflow movement, improving their thermal comfort. By installing 30 x Pearl Series fans, in both black and white colours, this provided an unobtrusive cooling solution, where they blended into the surrounding environment and were not a distraction to the architecture or the building inhabitants.
Albert Street Uniting Church can now enjoy their religious services with an effective airflow that is not compromised by any noise, meaning they can enjoy their services with no distractions.
The unique Airius fans offer the ideal solution for sound, heritage and aesthetically challenging projects.