Hilton Brown & PacPines Pools
Indoor Swimming Pool Cooling & Condensation Removal
Hilton Brown Pools & PacPines Pools
Howard Gumbley from ‘Hilton Brown Pools‘ (NZ) and Jeff Feltham from ‘PacPines Pool and Spa’ in QLD, both approached Airius to find a solution to the condensation inside their indoor pools using their unique Air Pear® Air Turbines.
Both installations proved very successful and more indoor pool operators in both Australia and New Zealand are using the unique Airius Air Pear Air Turbine technology to reduce condensation and improve the amenity of the pool enclosure.
Indoor pool owners and operators often have ongoing problems with unsightly condensation seriously impacting the amenity and longevity of their pools.
The corrosion corrodes certain pools surfaces, obstructs views through glass walls and windows and has a negative impact on the amenity in the pool. The condensation can become so bad it seems like it is raining inside the pool!
The usual rectification methods often involve expensive to purchase and run dehumidifier equipment or detailed engineering including duct work and air conditioning plant changes.

APPLICATION: Indoor Swimming Pool Cooling & Condensation Removal
CUSTOMER: Hilton Brown Pools
LOCATION: Albany & Havelock North, NZ.
YEAR: 2015
Hilton Brown Pools in New Zealand has five pools around the North Island and has used Airius Air Pears in two of those with more pools to come.
In one pool in Albany, NZ, they had issues with condensation in their changing rooms and their main pool area and have used a range of Air Pears from a single model 15 in a change room to a model 60 in the main pool area. In all cases the condensation has been removed and pool thermal comfort and amenity significantly improved.
In another pool at Havelock North, 24 x 14 metres in size with 4.8 ceiling height, they achieved excellent results again using a Model 15 (Short) Air Pear and two Model 25 Air Pears which removed the condensation, improved the internal environment and achieved significant pool heating energy savings.

APPLICATION: Indoor Swimming Pool Cooling & Condensation Removal
CUSTOMER: PacPines Pool & Spa Services
LOCATION: Burleigh Heads, QLD.
YEAR: 2015
Jeff Feltham from Pacific Pines Pool and Spa Services on the Gold Coast approached Airius Oceania about removing the terrible condensation problem inside one of his client’s pools at the Gold Coast in Queensland.
The pool enclosure dimension was 29 metres long by 10 metres wide. The roof had a high point of 9 metres and one wall of the enclosure was 2.5 metres high and the other wall was 5 metres high.
Airius recommended the use of 5 x Model 15 Airius Air Pears and 3 x Model 45 PS 4 Air Pears to be spaced around the pool at specific locations.
The almost silent Air Pears work by circulating the air around the space offering air movement that increases the ‘dew point’ which draws the moisture from the surfaces into the air. A simple and inexpensive solution to a typical indoor pool issue.
The trial has been very successful and the condensation was largely eliminated and the amenity in the pool has been greatly improved. The response from our customer was very good as can be seen by their testimonial.