School Heating

Save up to 50% on your heating bills instantly!

Contact Airius and beat the winter chill!

Heat rises and gets trapped in the metres immediately beneath high ceilings leaving occupants cold and uncomfortable. Either free hanging or ceiling mounted the Air fan system will reduce the loads on the heating systems by forcing all that warm air beneath ceilings, back down to the floor, where you need it. This significantly improves comfort and measurably reduces heating energy use

Lecture theatres and classrooms, training rooms, sports halls and other education infrastructure can enjoy reduced running costs for and reduce use of costly heating  by using Airius Air Pear fan systems.

Only Airius provides the very best destratification unit with systems suitable for use around students, the Air Pear system.

No damage risks from Basketballs
Improve your HVAC efficiency
Save energy – up to 30% off heating bills
No strobing from large blades means no expensive lighting redesign
Improved comfort levels increases student student attentiveness
Equalise temperature and improve summer comfort
No exposed rotating blades to distract students
Durable and able to withstand accidental impact
Request a QuoteLearn MoreCase Study: St Thomas Aquinas SchoolCase Study: SCEGGS Darlinghurst
Our clients...

Similar Applications

  • Gyms
  • Locker Rooms
  • Libraries
  • Classrooms
  • Multi-purpose Rooms
  • Cafeterias
  • Indoor Pools
  • Atriums
  • Concourses
  • Auditoriums

Benefits to Educational Facilities

  • Excellent winter heating value
  • No large blades rotating in the room catching dust
  • No large rotating blades distracting students
  • No moving parts visible from the user
  • No strobing of lighting
  • No turbulence
  • Less ceiling room occupied by fans
  • Simpler to install
  • Much less power use than ceiling fans
  • More effective at destratification in winter utilising any heat in the room to keep the occupants warm
  • Much improved air circulation in lecture spaces etc.
  • No large blades as targets for students to throw things at
  • No structural installation requirements

What They’re Saying

“The Air Pear thermal equalisers are a great asset to the school.

The main benefits for the client include improved air circulation, a balance of temperature throughout the building, low running costs, silent operation and easy installation‚ all at a highly affordable price. Whilst the gas heaters installed warms the hall effectively within 15 minutes, to maintain this temperature for long periods of time would be cost prohibitive to the school.

This is where the Air Pear units come into play, as even after the heating is turned off, the Air Pear units can continue to circulate warm air pushing it back down to the students below. I would highly recommend the Air Pear to my future projects.”


“Saint Stephen’s College is a co-educational, Preparatory to Year 12 independent school at the Gold Coast in Queensland. We have a large multipurpose sports centre housing 2 basketball courts. The floor area of the hall is around 1300 square metres and the roof is approximately 9 -10 metres high. This space is used for Physical Education, basketball games, exams and school assemblies.

On hot days, the auditorium air was still, lacked air flow throughout the space and created issues for all those participating in physical education classes and sporting activities in the building.

We considered using large fans to solve this problem. However, we decided to use Airius Air Pear Model 60 PS4 units for their perceived effectiveness, appearance and competitive pricing. 12 of the Air Pears were installed, equally spaced around the hall with two speed controllers.

The units were suspended off the roof structure and were easy and quick to install.

The Airius Air Pears fans have proved to be effective and do not dominate the space but fit easily into the hall; they are almost not noticeable whilst moving the air around the hall, creating air flow on hot, still days making the hall more comfortable to teach and learn in.”

Rod Seib - Director of SportSAINT STEPHENS COLLEGE

“I thought I would email you to give you some feedback on the Airius Air Pear fans we installed in our Centenary Sports Hall in December 2014. We installed 8 x Model 60-PS4 Airius Air Pear fans to the ceiling of our Centenary Sports Hall. The hall has a problem with very little cross ventilation available due to it being built underground and has a synthetic basketball court as its roof so the sports hall heats up in the summer months.

The installation of the fans was straight forward and our contracted electrician took two days to fully install the air pear system with two controllers. The air pear system has been in operation for six months now. We are more than happy with the results. The space is a lot more usable in the hotter summer months. We have received great feedback from both the school PE department and also external hirers. High intensity sport is played in the gym now with a lot more comfort.

We have the ability to set the fans on five settings ranging from 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% or 100% capacity. It is rare we turn the fans to 100% even though they are 8.5 meters off the playing surface. To put it into context the gymnastic training group can only have the fans on a setting of 3 out of 5 (60%) because it affects the throwing of the ribbon in the air.

The fans are quiet and move the air around the hall with ease. We have found in the last month we can use the fans to circulate the warmer air at the ceiling height of the hall to the playing surface level to cut down on the need for winter heating. I have received our power consumption invoices for the gym and the fans have made very little to no difference to the running cost of the gym. We leave the fans on overnight to help cool the room for the next day.

We are extremely happy with the performance and comfort we receive since installing these air pear fans and would happily recommend them to other people needing to circulate air and increase thermal comfort. Thanks again for all your professional service and follow up received.”

Keith Stevenson - Facilities ManagerSCEGGS DARLINGHURST

“I am delighted to be able to recommend the installation of Airius Air Pear units into a preschool facility. We commissioned our new 80 child preschool in Clendon in December 2013 and had 4 units installed.

It has been a very hot summer but the Air Pear units have cooled the preschool down by circulating and cleaning the air - they are almost as good as an air conditioning unit! We are yet to enter the winter months but we expect that we will have less sickness due to the Air Pears killing bugs and also a more even heat as they circulate warm air around.

We are renovating an older preschool and will be installing the Air Pears in the centre too as it has a high ceiling where the heat rises to in the winter and we want the heat at the children's level.”


“I’ve taken a couple of snapshots at the temperatures and in the gym the difference is about 1 to 1.5 degrees different between the high and low thermostat. In the library, the difference is about 1 degree.”

Mike CuskellyDirector of Maintenance, Boulder Valley School District