We have an industrial workspace that is not airconditioned and gets to 95F and over 70% humidity. Will the Air Pair help? Can you recommend a size to place at work locations in the facility to keep personnel cool? Thank you.
We have an industrial workspace that is not airconditioned and gets to 95F and over 70% humidity. Will the Air Pair help? Can you recommend a size to place at work locations in the facility to keep personnel cool? Thank you.
How to stop your heating costs going through the roof? Literally… Find out here how destratification can send your heating bills (and your heat) back down to the floor, where they belong. I had a client say the other day they had never heard of destratification, so why would they use it? ‘Quite simple’, I replied. ‘To save significant…
With 2019 proving to be an Influenza nightmare, some Aged Care facilities are proving that taking action early is the key to success. Tandara Lodge Community Care, in Tasmania, has not had a “notifiable outbreak” in 5 years, a significant achievement in the Aged Care Industry. Their secret? Five years ago they installed a new Fan range from Airius, called…
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